Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ottakringer Brewery Tour and Die Fledermaus

Today we went on a tour of the Ottakringer Brewery. The tour guide showed us all the various machines and explained how the different kinds of beer was made and the processes of beer production. 
Vat for some process of the beer:

Various types of wheats:

At the end of the tour, we got vouchers for 4 free beers to enjoy there. I definitely do not like beer, but I promised to try one since we were in fact in a brewery. I tried Zwicklrot. My first few sips were hesitant, but I tried to become a little more bold with my gulps. But alas, I just do not take kindly to beer. It was truly disgusting. I was trying every technique possible to not taste the beer. But what good is it to have a drink and attempt to pass it directly down your throat, bypassing the tongue and taste buds altogether? It was just not for me. I ended up trading my beer vouchers in for orange juice and was thereafter a much happier camper. 
My much more tasty orange juice along with everyone else's beer:

That evening we went to the opera, Die Fledermaus. It was great to just get student tickets 15 minutes before the show and still have great seats. We sat in the cabins along the side walls and I felt just like Julie Roberts in that scene from Pretty Woman. It was interesting to listen to the voices of the singers because you could pick out various dialects and accents. Some spoke with a very Viennese or Southern Austrian accent whereas others had more of a Swedish accent.

Me and Karla: 

The orchestra pit:

Our little cabin:

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